Thursday 20 September 2007

A Cutting Issue

BBC headline:
TV cat poll was fixed, BBC says
And so was the cat, presumably.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Why rig a poll on a frickin' cat's name?

The only reason I can imagine is that this is some kind of crypto-political Clinton sucking up -- and frankly that sounds paranoid even to me.

So: either the BBC is willing to lie about completely trivial issues just because they can, or they've gotten sufficiently partisan that they surpass the worst imaginings of right-wingers.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've heard of microregulation, but 'effin *wow*.

Anonymous said...

Well... Apparently, the most popular name voted was "Pussy".


It's a pity; I would have watched Blue Peter constantly if that had been the most popular name, just for the double-entendres.