Wednesday 1 August 2007

Smoke Screen

The BBC, with all the impartiality of Carry Nation at a Real Ale festival, has been at the forefront of supporting the smoking ban as an unmitigated good and demanding that smokers be treated as pariahs to be cast into the outer darkness-- unless the smokers are in a hookah cafe, in which case they are to be treated with sympathy and deference.

In the eyes of the BBC, some smokers are more equal than others.


Anonymous said...

Four Legs Good! Two Legs _Better_!

-- the BBC

eldias said...

Lefty logic--and I use that term so very lightly--establishes the following deduction:

Tobacco is a crop cultivated, harvested and produced by rich businessmen. Anything produced by rich businessmen is evil, especially if it kills folks. Ergo, Tobacco which is a corporate crop that kills people, is therefore evil.

Conversely, wacky weedus is a crop that is primarily cultivated, harvested and produced by the proletariat--who are almost always noble. Considering that bong fuel is a mind altering drug that leads to one contemplating their navel instead of questioning the Nanny State, leftist would-be-dictators are all for it.

Bah, in the end they're all going to wind up with extra-crispy bronchial tubes.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because covering a story is so, like totally, the same as supporting a particular view. Look, here's the BBC letting slip it's notorious pro-IRA, anti-BBC bias:

Will they ever learn?