Tuesday 27 March 2007

Hit 'Em With Your Handbag, Tony

Taking a cue from how well the nuclear negotiations have gone, the Blairites have said that they are trying to free the fifteen British sailors and marines kidnapped by Iran by engaging the Iranians in "discreet talks." If these do not work, then the British government will be "more explicit," but have made it clear that they "expect the immediate release of our personnel."

"Immediate" in this case being defined as some indeterminate point sometime in the future after which a stern letter will be sent followed by months of crawling to the United Nations for a raft of sanctions that will be as weak as a month-old teabag.

If this had happened in the days of Thatcher, the RAF would be fully briefed on targets and a Royal Navy task force would be passing Gibraltar by now. Come back, Maggie. All is forgiven.


Anonymous said...

It seems the only people that "Weak-as-Water" Blair can be hard on these days are his own.

Then again, the days of steadfast assertion of beleif has long been dead in the States as well...Bush is a cardboard cutout of Ronnie Reagan that has been left out in a weeklong monsoon.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Mrs. Thatcher needs any forgiving, but rather the reverse...

Anonymous said...

So what you all really want is another war, is that right?

Anonymous said...

Well its either we finally stand up to these maniacal totalitarians, or we continue to capitulate to them until the British soldiers are dead and ICBM's are being loaded and poised towards Jerusalem.

Good thing you people weren't around when Hitler was crossing into the Sudetenland.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we can do this without starting another idiotic debacle like the "War on Iraq", then that would be okay, I guess.

I'm sure we can do it with a bit more sense and tact than the US.