Saturday 17 March 2007

Recycling Rubbish

Britain is considering making it a general policy to cut back on rubbish pick-up to once a fortnight. This is allegedly supposed to encourage more recycling, which is already required by law under penalty of heavy fines, and any complaints about stench, rats, maggots, flies, foxes and disease is just so much whinging on the part of the proles because worrying about the health effects of heaping mounds of rotting garbage is so 19th century.

This is a particularly timely item, since here at Chez Szondy I forgot to put the bins out on Thursday night and am now facing the prospect what to do with overflowing bags of refuse upwind of the house in the returning spring weather and how to defend said refuse against the onslaught of raccoons, coyotes, and the dog down the road who thinks my wheelie bin is his personal buffet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that's just keen. The bubonic plauge was wating for a London comeback tour....