Saturday, 21 July 2007

Potter Break

The latest Harry Potter books have arrived, so entries will be a bit light today. I'm not a fan of the books (quite the opposite, in fact), but the wife and I like to make a race out of reading them with spoiler rights going to the winner.


Anonymous said...

Not a fan, eh? Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class, hm?

Bye the by, no spoilers to the masses, please. I've vowed that all spoiler-makers in my presence will have a barnacle-covered rock introduced somewhere to their lower anatomy.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear, eldias!

I'm not a fanatic of the series (I only own about three of the books; the rest I borrowed, as after you've read them once there's not much to read), but don't spoil the book, or I shall follow up eldias' barnacly rock with a rusty Garden Claw.