Sunday 8 July 2007

Deer In The Headlamps

Europe is beginning to recognise that the Jihadis are a real threat, but haven't the slightest clue as to what to do about it. This is demonstrated no more obviously in the remarks of Britain's new security minister Admiral Sir Alan West, who admits that Britain is in for a fight against the Islamists that might last fifteen years, but whose only plan is less than impressive.

Is he calling the war a war? Is he advocating taking the fight to the enemy on his own ground? Going after the tyrants financing and harbouring the Jiahdis? Is he talking about securing the borders and getting control of immigration? Damning multiculturalism? Demanding that Muslims assimilate and that whether or not they're treated with suspicion is up to them and not their neighbours, who have every right to be wary until assured otherwise?

Sorry. Sir Alan's remedy is... "snitching."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the inevitable result of fifty years of letting another country handle foreign policy, correlated with the empowerment of a load of socialists with nothing but disdain for their sociopolitical forebears.

So formulaic a disaster will require a few more thousand bodies to reverse, I fear.