Thursday, 12 April 2012

Migrant building

Yanko Design (The DREADCO of the design world) goes on the move with their "migrant" buildings.

I don't know which is more worthy of comment; the insane number of basic things that are wrong with this technological mishmash or the question of whether this picture is of the unicycle skyscrapers fleeing a collapsing city or caught in the middle of an architectural Panzar attack.


Cthel said...

No, no, no.

If you're going to do this sort of thing, do it properly.

It's much too small and has no weapons; not to mention no form of jaws for consuming weaker traction cities. It wouldn't last 5 minutes on the great hunting ground.

For how to do this idea correctly, see the "mortal engines" series by Phillip Reeve

Sergej said...

It's the land army of the Crimson Permanent Assurance.

Fruitbat44 said...

Impractical is too small a word for this, but OTOH, it is just soooo cooool. -g-

eon said...

They do look rather like the innards of the War Wheel in the old "Blackhawk" comics, don't they?

Of course, they would fall victim to the basic drawback of the unicycle in terms of practical transportation. That being that like a surfboard, leaning steers it and nothing stops it.

Until you run into an actual building, that is.

