Friday 11 June 2010

Peter Singer is the modern day Davros

Professor Peter Singer, the Dr. Kevorkian of the philosophical world, contends that life is truly horrible and any opinion to the contrary is the result of "pollyannaism" and therefore a delusion. This being the case, Prof Singer raises the proposition that the human race would be far better off if it just stopped reproducing and reconciled itself to extinction, thus saving future generations from the burden of existence.

There are a couple of things wrong with this argument (aside from being bat**** crazy). First, how can he claim that good is an illusion without conceding that so may evil, therefore any suffering is as non-existent as happiness? Second, anyone who refuses to go along with Singer inherits the Earth while the Singerites go the way of the Shakers. Third, the arrogance of playing God by ending life is as bad as Dr Frankenstein's by creating it. Fourth, Singer has not made an argument for destroying the human race, but for preserving it to the end of time.

Singer holds the belief that man is not the only creature to possess sentience, but that he shares it with all manner of creatures on Earth. Indeed, it may be a common property of all life. If human existence is intolerable and better off terminated, the why should we allow dogs, cats, rats, fish, or even bacteria to suffer once we've gone? Surely if our motive for racial suicide is to selflessly end suffering, we would be remiss not to die until we've granted the blessings of death on all our fellow creatures first. Before we go, we must leave this planet as lifeless as the Moon.

But hang on, isn't the Universe supposed to be teeming with life? Even if intelligent life is rare or non-existent, then surely there must be sentient creatures on a par with the animals of Earth. Must we let them suffer? Shouldn't we mount a missionary expedition to destroy them as well? And once we've bestowed them with a quietus, isn't there the prospect that life might arise in the future to feel and suffer? Shouldn't we save them from this horrible fate? Shouldn't we be the guardians and escorts to the sepulcher?

No, Prof Singer, you haven't doomed man to the grave. You have given us a sacred mission to help all our fellow sufferers now and forever to shuffle off this mortal coil. You have given us the banner that we must carry forth to the ends of Creation. The banner that reads:



Mabuse said...

And so we don't ever waver in our righteous mission; we must surely discard our lying biological bodies with their false temptations of happiness and fulfillment and replace them with implacable machine forms that will only allow us to feel the true feelings of despair and emptyness at our own existence and the existence of others.

A bold new future for humanity: fear the Emo Daleks!

jayessell said...

"It will have to go."

[Not obscure to HGTTG fans.]

jabrwok said...

So *that's* where the Necromongers came from...