Friday 25 June 2010

When in Rome...

...Demand that your hosts support you and bend over to a ludicrous degree to indulge your every whim even if you crossed the border illegally. Don't forget to revile your hosts and threaten them with violence while you do so.

For real thrills, try it as a Westerner in a non-Western country. The results would be... interesting. It's one a situation where I have less of a gripe with the immigrants than with the supine governments that allowed it to happen--or, in the case of New Labour, encouraged it as an act of war against their own people.


Id said...

...Wait, you mean like the British Empire? Just replace the "make demands of hosts" bit with "subjugate hosts" and there you go.

"...try it as a Westerner in a non-Western country..."


David said...
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David said...

The expected response based on no knowledge of history whatsoever.

Justify a tyrannical, totalitarian empire of conquest by its superficial resemblance to a great, albeit flawed, empire by consensus that did more to spread democracy, the rule of law, and civilisation in general than anything else in the past millennium? Sorry, not in this reality.

Question for the class: Which would you rather live under, the British empire or Sharia as practiced by the Taliban? Sorry, no third option.

And while we're at it, let's go back to basics. Just because the good is flawed, does that justify the evil? I didn't think so.