Thursday 9 July 2009


That's what I like about left-wing satire; always a class act.


Sergej said...

One of these days I'll have to ask one of my more leftie friends why all the mouth-foaming hating. Because Sarah Palin, even more than Bush ii, seems to push all their buttons for some reason, and I am simply curious about the phenomenon.

(Leftie friends? yes. Places I work, Ph.D.s are pretty thick on the ground. Opinions about things tend to be the ones that are fashionable among over-educated free-thinkers (if they didn't all have the same opinions, how would they know that they're free-thinkers, after all?))

Neil Russell said...

The left is certainly scared of Palin's popularity.
You'd think instead of their full-on attacks against her they'd instead be dancing around because they've won.
Reading comments and blogs from the left makes me think they are even angrier than ever. They spray the venom at anyone that threatens their road to utopia.
So she must be doing something right!