Sunday 5 July 2009

The Defenders


Sergej said...

I've thought, a couple of times, that I'm living in a Philip K. Dick story. But on consideration, I think it's more Stanislaw Lem---take some ridiculous premise, run with it (about ten or twenty miles, maybe more), and do it all in a spirit of being quite cheerfully off your nut. Yeh, definitely Gospodin Lem (or Pan Lem, I suppose).

jayessell said...

The text version is at...

Too bad the author couldn't have forseen CGI.

Take a robot brain, tell it to imagine something, then record the brain's video output.

Sergej said...

And as we all know from Bender B. Rodriguez, robots have quite vivid dreams of destroying all humans. (Also, electric sheep.) (Not sure how those got in there.)

Just make sure to wipe off your RCA plug when you're done. You don't know what the robot's been plugging into!