Thursday 28 May 2009

Star Wars: The Rewrite

Mystery Man on Film looks at the many rough draughts of the script that eventually became Star Wars and discusses how different the finished product was from the original idea (Luke Skywalker was an aged general, Darth Vader got barely a look in , etc.). And, this being Lucas, the reams of staggeringly bad dialogue.

I particularly like this because Lucas and I share the trait of ruthlessness towards changing or discarding pretty much everything while writing. It's one of the reasons my wife and I drive each other crazy when we collaborate on a play. She'll come to me with an idea and I'll tear it to shreds while I try to come up with a way to make it work (Instead of the protagonist being a alcoholic, divorced Soviet nuclear physicist, let's make him an elephant and rather than him trying to keep his sanity while trying to reconcile himself with his daughter while coming to grips with his past, maybe he's lost a balloon.). After that there's loads of shouting and we resolve never to work together ever again until the next day.

Writing; always a joy.


Wunderbear said...

But the question is, is your wife an angry, alcoholic irish bookshop-owner?

Ahhhh. It's a great series.

Sergej said...

Angry alcoholic Irish bookshop owner? Please elucidate.

I read the first version. Different story, a lot closer in spirit to The Hidden Fortress. I could see Toshiro Mifune playing General Skywalker.