Wednesday 11 February 2009

Mad Men

The BBC has an interesting piece on the series Mad Men and how it's sparking a renewed interest in early '60s fashion. Let's hope that this catches on, because one of my pet peeves about modern society is the death of the smart suit and tie. Not that I have any intention of wearing such a get up. In fact, I can't. I'm inherently one of those rumpled professor types who can and has worn bespoke evening dress and instead of having the neat, crisp lines of a would-be James Bond I looked like a retired archaeologist who's more at home in unpressed tweeds and a sweater vest–which I am.

No, what I need is everyone else going around looking like Cary Grant so as to throw my abesent-minded boffin look into sharp contrast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And hats.
Hats have gone missing since JFK's inauguration.

For nearly 50 years about the only person that's been a major hat promoter has been Harry Anderson, and that's no help at all.

Oh yeah, and James Ellroy. Yeah, thanks a lot hat guys.