Monday 21 July 2008

Give or Take a Few Days

BBC headline:
'100 months to save the planet'
I'll start believing this Tommy when it's followed by "So screw the polar bears, the pandas and the whales. We're talking survival and we need to build 50,000 nuclear power plants NOW!"


jabrwok said...

I found this bit amusing:

"The authors said their proposals drew inspiration from President Roosevelt's 1933 New Deal.

During 100 days, he sent a record number of bills to Congress, all of which went on to become law, including banking reforms and emergency relief programmes.

The prolific reforms were credited with turning around the US economy."

I suppose if you consider massively increasing the scope and power of the Federal government, increasing taxes, retarding trade, and generally making the Great Depression *worse* then, yeah, he was responsible for "turning around the US economy".

In his own mind anyway.

jabrwok said...

Hmm, that second-to-last sentence should've ended with something like "making the Great Depression *worse* and improvement, then yeah...".

Fingers outpace brain once again.