Sunday 27 July 2008

British Babies Cause Global Warming

The Green Movement's ideal future

Dr John Guillebaud and Dr Pip Hayesalong with the Optimum Population Trust says that British babies cause far too many carbon emissions and advocates that doctors urge Britons to only have two children at most–which is well below the replacement rate and leads to the sort of demographic free fall that Russia, Japan and Italy face.

Save the Planet™; let your race die out.


Wunderbear said...

Hell, I'd support reducing the earth's population to one, if we get it to be Vincent Price.

Anonymous said...

The birth/woman rate in England is 1.85; so telling women to have no more than 2 is more than a little redundant.

Wunderbear said...

Well, to be fair to them, we're going to have to create some measures or take some sort of action to lower population at some point. That, or make sure that people or using less resources; otherwise I'm not sure how we're going to have enough of things for everyone.

Would you say that it's a problem, Dave? What approach would you take? (Seriously, because I think that your ideas would be a good thing to have)

Wunderbear said...

(I say this because I just read a fascinating book called The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman. It's certainly an interesting read)

Anonymous said...

I think David already expressed his opinion on that book some year ago. You shouldnt enrage him like this.

Wunderbear said...

I couldn't find any post on that, would you be able to provide a link please?

(Also, yes, I do see the fundamental error in having less kids in that the developed world is the one with the birthrate below replacement. So it needs a different approach, I guess)