Monday 5 May 2008

Al Gore: Virtual Housegueat

For the eco-obsessive compulsive, there is now the Manodo Display, which allows you to track your so-called carbon footprint in insane detail. According to EcoGeek, who apparently approves of this thing,
Imagine having Al Gore living in your house reminding you each time you forget to turn off the lights!
Like something out of an H P Lovecraft story, I can imagine it. But then I have to eat some smoked salmon to calm myself down.

Mind you, knowing Al Gore's habits, he'd probably leave on all the lights himself, use up all the hot water and crank up the AC to maximum, so Mandoo Display may be a tad counterproductive.


Sergej said...

Algore living in my house? I suppose it would take care of the problem of cleaning out the fridge...

Sergej said...

And also, what's a virtual housegeat? Something you download if you've got cyber-Grendels living in your home network?