Thursday 28 February 2008

Well, Done, Britain!

Lord Summerisle celebrates E-Day

After the BBC was rightly given the bird for trying to mount a Luddite propaganda rally called Planet Relief, the corporation decided to become more responsible and, along with the usual environmentalist suspects and electricity companies fearing bad publicity, mounted a Luddite propaganda rally called Energy Saving Day or E-Day.

As part of this create-the-news-rather-than-report-it affair, the BBC posted a running meter on their web site that would show how much Britons are helping to return to the Dark Ages Save the Planettm by cutting back on electricity on The Day and...

Oh, dear. Oh, dear.


Wunderbear said...

Being young, I'm not going to rule out the concept of anthropological global warming, even if it is pushed down our throats somewhat.

But still: BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was all those people turning on the telly to watch the telethon about saving electricity...