Friday 29 February 2008

E-Day Update

E-Day, an "independent operation" (even though started and backed to the hilt by the BBC) , has proven a complete bust. Designed to sell people on the idea of returning to mud huts and peasantry, the end result was that electricity consumption actually went up on the day.

The BBC has relegated the embarassment to the back pages of its web site and is now faced with trying to wrap its collective mind around the fact that the British people aren't a load of dupes after all. Meanwhile, Dr. Matt Prescott, the alleged brains behind E-Day said,
I will do my best to learn the relevant lessons for next time.
The relevant lesson being that there shouldn't be a next time.

Update: This just keeps getting better:
E-Day organiser Dr Matt Prescott said the drop in temperature on the day may be behind the rise, with more people leaving lights and heating on as a result.
Yes! A stunt to worship at the altar of Blessed Gaia combat global warming is defeated by global cooling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only 65 MWH over? Come on, Brits, I know you can do better! Run your electric beer warmers or something!

(No offense intended. I'm just a bit jealous that we don't get such an opportunity to run up the meter here in the States.)