Friday 22 February 2008

Living In Their Own Little World

And now it's guess the caption time from the AP. How do you think the flag burners in this photo were referred to? Guess again:

Pakistani human rights activists burn a Danish flag at a protest rally to show their anger over the reproduction of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in Denmark, Thursday, Feb. 21, 200, in Gujaranwala, Pakistan.

Human rights activists? Somebody needs to increase his medication.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like propaganda to me.

We truly know very little about the people who "create" the news. How many people, reading the caption, will accept it at face value? Probably most readers will not give it a second glance, or thought.

jayessell said...

Maybe they meant "Human Rights Protesters"

Didn't say they were for Human Rights.

Anonymous said...

Very true, jay.

Too bad they weren't classified as "freedom fighters"; after all, if fire fighters fight fire and crime fighters fight crime...