Tuesday 13 November 2007

The Insatiable Appetite of the Totalitarian

Thought that the recent smoking ban was just a reasonable step by a reasonable government? You might want to think again after looking at the Nuffield Council on Bioethics recommendations. According to the BBC,
Its proposes raising alcohol prices, restricting pub opening hours and better food labelling to fight obesity.

The government said it was taking steps to protect public health.
Each of these proposals sounds "reasonable," but taken together and in context of recent legislation it reveals a mindset that regards the public not as those whom the government serves, but as subjects to be controlled and conditioned. I find it a bit frightening when a government equates "protecting public health" with "trampling on ancient liberties of freeborn Englishmen."

I find it even more frightening when the British people allow this sort of thing to be imposed upon them by their soon-to-be masters without so much as a whimper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's not the attitude of a ruler toward his subjects. That's the attitude of a farmer toward his livestock. A ruler at least has some vague idea that his subjects are people, and might overthrow him. A farmer's livestock are property, and have no minds or opinions of their own.