Monday 26 November 2007

What We Face

A British schoolteacher in the Sudan faces six months in jail or forty lashes for naming a teddy bear "Muhammad."

Just a little reminder of what dhimmitude looks like.


Anonymous said...

40 lashes on a British citizen, 40 nukes on Sudanese soil. Sound fair, fellas?

jabrwok said...

When in Rome. Had the British citizen been Shanghaied to Sudan I'd agree with eldias. As is, "lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas".

Traveling to a Muslim country should be seen as similar to stepping into a snakepit. Be *very* careful when you do, and don't be surprised when you get bitten.

eldias said...

Understandable assertion in normal times, such as when that idiot American kid was caned in Singapore for spraypainting cars.

But nowadays the West cannot gaze bleary-eyed at this audacity; an action that will be trumped as a symbolic expactication of Sharia on civilization.

For honor of country and righteousness of cause, we must be ready to trample a few snakes.