Wednesday 15 December 2010

Electronic cigarettes are doubleplus ungood.

King County, Washington State moves to ban electronic cigarettes.

Since these nicotine delivery devices are odourless and harm no one even by the pseudoscientific standards of "secondhand smoke", we can only conclude that this is nothing less than a gleeful totalitarian exercise by a load of Comissars drunk on  their own petty power.


eon said...

Why am I reminded of H. Beam Piper's story "Day of the Moron"?

What we really need a ban on is egotistical, narcissistic, would-be tyrants getting into the Civil Service bureaucracy. One good way would be ask them how they would solve "societal problems"- and reject anybody who thinks like (i.e., has the same delusional "reality structure" as) the King County BOH.

(PS- I don't smoke, and never have.)



e liquid said...

Some electronic cigarette users claim that this device is safer to use. They've changed the way they smoke. Electronic cigarettes can help a smoker break the habit.