Wednesday 24 November 2010

Not getting it

Hate the TSA body searches so much that you've given up flying?  According to Homeland Security Secretary Mrs Janet Napolitan, it won't do you any good.
I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?
It's at this point that I stock up on seeds and rely on shooting game for food.

Here's a crazy idea, Mrs Napolitan:  Instead of treating American citizens like maximum security inmates, what say that we drop the euphemisms about "terrorists' and call the enemy what they are: Jihadists.  Let's admit openly and without embarrassment that the United States and the rest of the civilised world is at war with a load of 7th century barbarians who want to kill and enslave us.  We know who they are, we know what they want, and we know how they're likely to go about getting it.  Instead of pretending that a 95-year old Pennsylvania Dutch nun is as likely to be a terrorist as the 25-year old Saudi guy clutching a Koran in one hand and a giant black ball with a fuse sticking out and BOMB written across it in letters eight inches tall, why don't we, oh, I don't know, profile suspects so we can pick out the likely Jihadists while running the odd spot checks to weed out any ringers?

And while we're at it, instead of turning the Free World into a giant gulag, let's do what we started ten years ago before we lost the thread.  Let's take the war to the enemy, kill lots of them, take out as many of the tyrants sponsoring them as we can, and tell the rest that if they don't want to end up doing the Saddam Hussein two-step they'd better behave.

In short, stop molesting kids and little old ladies with week bladders and start winning the war.


eon said...


"Bu-bu-but, we can't do that! It would be culturally insensitive! Besides, the real threat is all those bitter clingers who do not worship the Messiah correctly! Don't you see that?"

It is logically impossible to talk sense to someone in a delusional state. To Napolitano, and her boss, we are the "real enemy".

This won't improve until they are fired, and replaced with someone less bizarrely disconnected from reality. It's that simple. However, I don't expect them to go quietly, as long as they "have the power", as He-Man used to say.

cheers (sort of)


Sergej said...

Dumb answer (the one in operation): war never solved anything, and killing jihadniks only makes more jihadniks. Less dumb answer: the barbarians have been putting a premium on recruiting non-obvious looking bomb delivery systems^W^W^W candidates for glorious martyrdom. These are government employees groping us at airports, after all. Not the sharpest bulbs in the drawer.

Answer that might actually work? As you say. Ever since the Great one in China, walls have of course been the best defense against barbarians...

Off to the airport. To be groped by a government employee.

jayessell said...

3) Kids should be frisked by agents dressed as superheroes or non-creepy cartoon characters.
3b) Extend that option to adults.
3c) If kids get a pass you know the terrorists will hollow one out, fill the corpse with C4 and say 'he's sleepy'.

Gauss said...

It also effectively moves the bombing target from the aircraft itself to the TSA checkpoint bottleneck. So it saves planes, not passengers. Hell, not even then. Just sneak the bomb in inside a box of frozen french fries for one of the concession stands on the "clear" side of the checkpoint. Not like there's a load of scrutiny over the revolving staff of burger-flippers.

Wesley said...

Eon is correct. Our other respondees have a good sense of what’s up as well as good senses of humor. And as usual, David, you’re making too much sense. You have to think like a statist to understand a statist. Although as any thinking person knows, statists tend to feel or simply regurgitate propaganda slogans, not think. To put it in terms a statist might use: “I am broad-minded so I’m better than anyone who disagrees with me. Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is bad and must be a terrorist.” (That’s how we get the TSA doing full body searches of nuns and little children.) “Muslim jihadists are really good people; they just don’t like that our imperialist founders tried to enslave them.” Doesn’t make sense, you say? Then you’re still not feelin’ that statist vibe, dude.