Monday 22 November 2010

Bread, circuses, beds, and breakfasts

Liberal Democrat Mr Bob Russell MP wants the British government to subsidise holidays for millions of low-income families.

It isn't often that one comes across stupidity of such jaw-dropping dimness.  In cases such as this, a reasoned argument must stand aside for the more appropriate use of a rude noise.


eon said...

I am reminded of Eric Idle as Mr. SmokesTooMuch doing his "Watney's Red Barrel" routine here, for some reason.
Considering that Mr. Russell is talking about the "population segment" that collects ASBOs like gum cards (whether he knows it or not, and he probably doesn't), does he really want them going through Sherringham the way they generally rampage through Torremolinos?



Wesley said...

Unfortunately, David, it would seem we are coming across stupidity of such jaw-dropping dimness much more frequently as time goes on. It appears that the addled regressive collective consciousness is spinning faster and faster into the nether realms of insanity, and taking as many otherwise normal people as possible with it.

Wesley said...

Perhaps Mr. Bob Russell MP should put his sensibilities where his mouth is and invite those low-income families to holiday in his residence.

Anonymous said...

Oooh I know, I know!
I bet he has just the name for this project...
"Strengh Through Joy"
It just trips off the tongue...
Now where have I heard that idea before?