Friday 16 July 2010

Rabbit update

First it was rabbits, now it's horses. The neighbours went on holiday without latching the gate properly and the next thing I knew there was dobbin nibbling on my nasturtiums. Ever try to coax a strange horse back into its paddock without a bridle? It's not easy. I ended up leading it with a handful of dog food.

On the rabbit front, I returned fire this afternoon by spreading animal repellent around the yard and garden. It's non-toxic stuff; a mixture of dried blood, bone meal, and cayenne pepper. It's also a very fine powder that the wind picks up and scatters everywhere–as I found out afterwards when I washed my face and DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? MY EYES! MY EYES!

Not exactly a load of buckshot in the face, but not a bad second.

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