Presenting the $500 luxury cigar cutter from Louis Vuitton.
Nice, but I have one that I bought at a tobacconist in Charing Cross Road for £1.50 that I managed to almost cut my thumb off with back in 2001 in a moment of absent-mindedness. Did the job just as well as the more expensive kind.
I have the sneaking suspicion that these cigar cutters likely rolled off the same production line as the $10 ones. They just went through a stamp machine to put the Vuitton logo on.
I have the sneaking suspicion that these cigar cutters likely rolled off the same production line as the $10 ones. They just went through a stamp machine to put the Vuitton logo on.
"The quality goes in before the name goes on."
(My verification word is 'gradj'.
Ha! It's LOLspeak for graduates!
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