Tuesday 13 April 2010

Trippin' the Tardis

According to the BBC Archives, Doctor Who's regenerations were 'modelled on LSD trips'.

As opposed to the current series where the entire production is modelled on a bad LSD trip.


Bryan said...

Aw, I like the new series. It's got heart and the producers' obvious love of the source material.

I always thought the Hartnell-Troughton regeneration was surprisingly well done, for the techmology of the day.

God, I hated the Colin Baker Doctor. "Change, Peri, and not a moment too soon!" What a douchebag.

David said...

I can't really agree about the new series. True, it does have the budget and effects that the old one lusted after, but it's lost all the great writing and acting that made up for it in its heyday in the '70s.

I think my biggest complaint is that despite its reputation for being faster paced, all that editing and incessant background music can't cover that the new series's stories actually move like glaciers and the plots seem almost an afterthought.