Friday 2 April 2010

President Obama:self-confessed Leftist

I've just learned from this CBS report that Mr Barack Hussein Obama is left handed.

I always thought there was something sinister about him.


Sergej said...

Bend sinister? I thought you would be above such gratuitous abuse. Especially when there are so many real things to object to.

David said...

Gratuitous abuse, yes I am above that and that was not the intention.

Appalling puns, on the other hand, I will stoop to the lowest level to exploit. Hence the "sinister" gag.

David said...

Sergej, I just realised that you may have meant that I was implying that Mr Obama is a bastard. From what I know of his biography, he may fall into category, but he wouldn't be the first American president to do so. Some of them did so even though they were born within wedlock.

At any rate, if this is so, then I must with all honour ask Mr Obama to join the Brotherhood. I myself was born the wrong side of the blanket. Szondy is a name that I have no blood connection to.

What I find amazing about being a bastard is that people whom I've never told about this can sense it shortly after meeting me. I've lost count of the number of times I've overheard people talking about me and stating that not only that they knew that my parents weren't married, but that they were of the erroneous opinion that I am of royal heritage.

Sergej said...

The circumstances of a man's birth are by definition not under his control, and certainly no basis on which to judge him. The graphic did have a meaning though, in addition to the visual pun, and I thought that you intended to reference that as well. Which would have been, as is saying in American, from far out in the left field. I was certain that if there was a nuance to catch, you would certainly have it by the tail; will you allow me to save face by accepting this as a kind of strange compliment?

David said...

Accepted, old boy.

Ironmistress said...

Heralds don't make puns, since they cant!

Bend sinister Gules - every herald kniows what it means.