Tuesday 20 April 2010

Smart faucet

A spring-loaded tap that you can't leave running; guaranteed to keep you from washing your hands in hot water again.


Gauss said...

"Can't leave running"? From the article, "If pushing against a metal bar while you rinse your hands is just too annoying, it also lets you flip it into a continuous-flow mode." And also, how clean your hands are isn't effected by the temperature of the water, just the soap. If it was hot enough to kill the bacteria it'd be hot enough to scald your hands off.

Sergej said...

Or I can come up with another way to not have to push against a little lever to get water: do not install the damned thing in the first place. I mean, seriously, I spend all my time at the office pushing against a little lever. And there I at least get food pellets.

Mmm, food pellets!