Tuesday 13 April 2010

Green Pod

Behold the latest, incredible, mind-boggling advance in green technology meant to pay homage to Blessed Gaia Save the PlanetTM. I give you (fanfare) the BICYCLE SHED!

Pardon me. I'm all aflutter.

1 comment:

Sergej said...

That's a pretty nice bike shed^W^WEco-Podthing. Changing room in the back makes it much more convenient to get in one's morning exercise while doing the commute. Won't convince any lazy fatties to take up cycling (or people like me, who need the morning coffee to kick in before they are physically capable of undertaking anything), but nice if you're already doing it. Of course, an old cynic like me might think that the dressing rooms will turn into places to make drug deals/nesting sites for hobos, but this thing obviously exists in a universe where one can hang up his bike on a hook and still find it there in the evening. I hear Japan is like that, maybe (still) parts of Minnesota.