Tuesday 17 November 2009

Christmastime for Hitler

The ACLU would have loved these guys.


Roberto G. said...

Britons are so fascinated by the Nazi culture, that they mention it as much as they can. While the rest of the world says a prayer on the Holocaust day and then tries to forget this trash, in the UK looks like it's still a must... see the many gags of the Monty Pythons and the passion for it of Max Mosley and Bernie Ecclestone, to quote some of the most renowned. I'm from Italy and I do not remember having seen in all my life, repeat in all my life, a comedian of ours, or French, or Spanish or whatsoever other than British, performing a gag with Hitler's mustaches on his face. For the BBC and for the Times on the contrary, it's an almost everyday situation. Wonder why... ok, they had the V1 and V2 bombings, but it's not that the rest of Europe was having a ball either. Truth is that for the rest of Europe Hitler's place is now in the history books, while for the Britons it's still a nice issue of jokes and talks. Now I understand why some of them start liking his dark side as well.


Anonymous said...

So..no cracks about tanks with lots of gears then ?..all reverse !M9

David said...

That's the Italians, old boy. In a German tank, you have to shift gears with a hammer because all it understands is force.

jayessell said...

There was a short-short SF story set so far in the future that WWII was believed to be an epic poem,
and Churchill and Hitler were fictional characters.