Tuesday 10 November 2009

Wine whiners

The professional busybodies down at the Ministry of Plenty Waste & Resource Action Programme declare that the proles and Outer Party members waste too much food. Specifically, the say that Britons are not finishing bottles of wine and are pouring £470 million worth of vino down the drain.

Two things come to mind: First, since the wine is already paid for, it is no one's business what is done with afterwards–least of all the Waste & Resource Action Programme. The buyer can drink it, store it, wash his teeth with it, or pour it over the daffodils, if desired. It may be a waste or it may not, but that's his problem. Second: I cannot understand this nonsensical phrase "Not finishing bottles of wine". It sounds like something from some bizarre parallel world.

Tip o' the hat to Notes from a hospital bed.

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