Monday, 30 November 2009

Afghan medal

How to honour and insult at the same time.


jayessell said...

David, I have to agree with the article.
The entire nation is a war zone.
It's ALL front.
Even pencil pushers could get IEDed.

Every day that place is not radioactive is a

David said...

Jayessel, I understand your argument. My problem is that this situation is a bit like a museum I did some work for that was trying to set up a war memorial. They started out with those who died in combat, then those who died in the war zone, then those died in the theatre, then during the war, then their families, then civilians in general, etc. etc. until it became literally a memorial to everyone who was alive between 1939 and 1945. I always feel you have to be careful about how you dole out medals, otherwise they become something you send up with the rations.