Sunday, 30 September 2007
Par For The Course
If it wasn't so horrifying it would be comic.
Spines of Jello
Parents expect that the announcement is going to add to the tension that has been building since officials agreed earlier this month to change the lunch menu to exclude items containing pork to accommodate Muslim students. News that Jell-O was struck from the menu caused such a stir that officials have agreed to bring it back. Gelatin is often made with tissue or bones of pigs or other animals.True, Principal Robertson-- especially when there's no justification for doing so other than political prejudice.
That controversy now appears to have been been dwarfed by the holiday debate, which became so acrimonious Wednesday that police were called to Columbus Manor School to intervene in a shouting match among parents.
"It's difficult when you change the school's culture," said Columbus Manor Principal Sandy Robertson.
In normal circumstances, this sort of multicultural groveling would be merely offensive, but in a time of war it goes well beyond a mere eye-rolling moment. If we are going to win this battle against the Jihadists, then we must show confidence in our own institutions and traditions rather than dropping them like a live hand grenade at the first opportunity. Acts of preemptive dhimmitude such as this not only make the civilised world look weak before the barbarians who wish to kill and enslave us, but it also sends entirely the wrong message to moderate Muslims, who are equally threatened, by making it appear as if it is we who are suspect and that it is we who must justify ourselves to the Muslims rather than vice versa.
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Friday, 28 September 2007
Nowhere to Hide
Don't light up, though. The Party has declared it a
Maybe If He Had a Goatee
Party Hints
Did you know there are more wild pigs than people in Australia?It's guaranteed to stop the conversation dead in its tracks.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Dhimmitude in Canada
Vancouver's hookah-parlour owners are celebrating after winning an exemption Thursday from a proposed new bylaw that will ban smoking on most sidewalks in commercial districts, in bus shelters and even in taxis passing through Vancouver.
In giving the bylaw unanimous approval-in-principle, Vancouver city council members bowed to arguments that hookah lounges provide an important cultural space for the city's Muslims and granted them a temporary exemption.
So, can I claim that the pub is "an important cultural space" or is that line of argument off limits for dhimmis?
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Into Airstrip One, Probably
The question is, into what, Mr. Brown? Into what?
Criminal Lawyers
Lynne Stewart, who has defended many unpopular clients over the yearsWhat Hofstra fails to mention is that Lynne Stewart is also a convicted felon who was found guilty, sentenced to prison and disbarred from practicing law in 2006 for helping an imprisoned Jihadi terrorist who was behind the 1993 WTC bombing and the 1997 Luxor massacre pass messages to his followers so they could carry on his campaign of mass murder.
I'm not just stunned that Hofstra would let a traitor like her be touted as an expert on "ethics", but that she isn't still in gaol serving a life sentence.
Dietary Dhimmitude
A Muslim inmate has won $2,000 and a partial human rights victory over a Correctional Service of Canada policy not to replace bacon with a halal diet for Islam-worshiping cons.If this is a "human rights" violation, then Hot Pockets are a crime against humanity.
By Any Other Name, It Would Still Leak
In 1933, Lawrence Kocher, "noted architect" came up with this revolutionary design for a house made of canvas stretched over a wooden frame.
When a casual observer pointed out that he'd invented the tent, Mr. Kocher wouldn't touch his porridge for days.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Miliband Madness
This man wants a rejected EU constitution imposed on Britain in the guise of a "treaty" without a vote and in a time of war with Jihadi fanatics who want St. Paul's turned into a mosque he wants a Muslim state squarely in Europe and to allow a barely secular country of 80 million Muslims into the EU without a single caveat.
And this man is Her Majesty's foreign secretary.
Sometimes I feel like we're fighting a war on two fronts and the second one is the government itself.
Sputnik at Fifty
Fifty years ago the Soviet Union ushered in the Space Age with the launch of Sputnik.
A pity it had to also be a certified brown-trouser moment for free men everywhere.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Bobby's Bike
In other news, policemen are numbered in case they get lost.
If It Flops, Blame The Audience
Now, what do all these films have in common — besides being passionate indictments?Ungrateful so and sos. And after we gave them Gigli, too!
They all flopped. Or will, soon enough. (Except for, maybe, The Kingdom, which apparently has an appalling whiff of vigilantism.) And this is something we out here in Hollywood just cannot wrap our minds around.
What the hell is wrong with this country? We support the troops, showing them as the dysfunctional, murdering, drug-addicted, red-state crypto-rapists in need of psychoanalysis we all know they really are. Hey — even the Marine officer in Alan Ball’s award-winning American Beauty a few years back was humanized by making him a sadist and a closet queen. And this is the thanks we get?
Sunday, 23 September 2007
I Don't Want To Go On The Cart
According to the news sources, this video proves that Fidel Castro hasn't popped his clogs yet.
My Spanish isn't up to it and I haven't seen a translation of the old gasbag's interview, so I've no way to judge whether it's authentic or not, but since no one with better linguistic skills than I have has denounced it, I can only assume that the Earth is still heavier by the weight of one tyrant.
Still, I can't help feeling that the tone of the video was rather similar to this:
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Friday, 21 September 2007
Land of the Rising Vending Machine
Having fallen in love with the pastry vending machines outside of bakeries in the Netherlands that let you buy the odd bun at 2AM that does not taste of cellophane, I can accept most of these contraptions, but for some reason the umbrella vending machine strikes me as downright weird.
Hand Me My Fowling Piece, Old Boy
The technology is marvelous, I applaud its use by the armed forces and I seriously want one for myself, but, given given the Ingsoc proclivities of the government, putting this in the hands of the police makes two words spring to mind:
Skeet shoot.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Look Out For Pods
Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area, regional authorities said Monday.Professor Bernard Quatermass was unavailable for comment.
Many Eyes and None That See
- 10,524 CCTV cameras in London.
- Cost: £200 million
- Unsolved crime rate: 80%
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
The Truth is Out There
You've probably seen this video, but there are two interesting things about it.
- Notice that the gentleman in question is grabbed by the police right after he asks if Senator Kerry is a member of Skull and Bones.
- Notice the incident's striking similarity to this.
Axis? What Axis?
Move along, please. Nothing to see here.
Going Cheap
What amazes me it that someone tried to buy it.
Haute Couture
They do charity work. They want their contribution to British culture to be taken seriously. But why do people look down their noses at the fashion industry?At a guess, it might have something to do with the industry being top heavy with a load of narcissistic, talentless frauds who have reduced the making of overpriced frocks to an irredeemable laughing stock.
King Canute, Call Your Service
The European Union's goal of keeping the global temperature rise to 2C is unlikely to be met, a leading climate researcher has warned.In other news, the EU projects for holding back the tide, making the Sun stand still and abolish death don't seem to be doing too well either.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Eh, Eck
Henry Higgins wor unavailable for comment.
Monday, 17 September 2007
We're at War; Don't Tell Anyone
- Arrest him and fully inform the public so that they are aware of the threat we face and that our enemy can strike anywhere.
- Arrest him and try to cover the whole thing up to avoid the Inevitable Yet Never Seen Anti-Muslim Backlash.
Davy Crockett
It had a range of only three miles, so it wasn't so much fire-and-forget as fire-and-run-like-the-clappers.
If You Want Peace, Prepare for War
The world should "prepare for war" with Iran, the French foreign minister has said, significantly escalating tensions over the country's nuclear programme.At last we know where David Cameron shipped all those Conservative party spines.
Bernard Kouchner said that while "we must negotiate right to the end" with Iran, if Teheran possessed an atomic weapon it would represent "a real danger for the whole world".
The world should "prepare for the worst... which is war", he said.
Squirrel for Breakfast
Whenever she calls Carl the Cattle Dog "my" dog it invariably means something unpleasant. Sure enough, as I stumbled blearily into the kitchen there was Carl sitting happy as a lark, wagging his tail and showing off the dead squirrel he'd brought in. It was not only dead, but rigid and dirty, which indicates that Carl had caught the little bugger the night before and had buried it until a more convenient time to show it off-- which turned out to be the crack of dawn. Thank God my wife intercepted him or he'd have plopped it on my pillow and I have no desire to go through a cheap remake of The Godfather.
If life keeps going on like this, I have GOT to get a Teasmade.
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Shooting One's Foot
Yup. All the foresight of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March.
Foxhole Radio
This sort of fairy liquid bottle and string construction has always fascinated me, though in an emergency I think I'd fall back on the pocket-sized shortwave I keep in the car.
Friday, 14 September 2007
A Matter of Tenses
Cuban officials say Castro not dyingFor once, I have no doubt they're speaking the truth.
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Boar Wars
Nice job of "saving" there.
Brace Yourself, Svetlana
There is a Slavic sex manual joke here struggling mightily to get out.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
As If It Was Any Of Their Businees To Start With
One word:
Monday, 10 September 2007
Passport to Europe
The new documents, which could be in place as early as 2010, would bear reference to the EU constitution in order to remind UK citizens that they are part of Europe.
The royal coat of arms may be removed from the UK passport. The first page of the British passport has historically featured the royal coat of arms with a message from the Queen beginning: "Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State".
The words go on to outline that the citizen has a right to travel freely and has the right to protection and assistance.
Under new changes, however, it has been suggested that the coat of arms are scrapped and replaced by the EU emblem of 12 stars with the message underneath reading: "Every citizen of the Union".
The new version has been taken from Article 20 of the EU Constitution, the treaty that was discredited two years ago after it was rejected by member states including France and the Netherlands.
Let's hope that this idea is binned with all the scorn it deserves. It's bad enough that the EU would try to shove a rejected constitution in on the sly, but if Her Majesty's government commits such a blatant act of disloyalty against the Crown and the British people to kowtow to a load of Eurocrats, it would be nothing less than treasonous.
One MILLION Dollars
Ernst Stavro Blofeld was unavailable for comment.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
The Masque of the Vote
I sincerely hope that the whole of the Canadian electorate takes this to heart and shows up to vote wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, Halloween masks, balaclavas, stockings, ski masks, dominoes and ghost costumes.
Polling day, Mardis Gras, dhimmitude; what's the difference?
Friday, 7 September 2007
Progress Report
Treating terrorism as a purely criminal matter is really working well, I see.
Penal Priorities
And what if one of these drug smugglers, fraudsters, rapists or murderers should flee the
We tell all the prisoners that if they escape, they must telephone to let us know they've made it safely to the mainland.Go ahead and rape, pillage and burn, lads, but don't forget to ring home so we don't fret.
Devils Island has nothing on this place.
Who Are You Going to Believe: Us or Your Lying Eyes?
Objective reality to the contrary, they're not snooping in your dustbins; they're "
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Where Patriotism Equals Racism
Since national flags may be perceived by some as xenophobic, eighth grade pupils in Karlshamn have been ordered to wear less inflammatory garb for a photo to be published in the school yearbook.Anybody could view is as a political demonstration. Anybody could also view it as a 1924 open-top touring car filled with treacle. Perhaps we should instead confine ourselves to the views of sane people.
"Anybody looking at the photo could view it as a political demonstration," principal Pär Blondell from Strandskolan told news agency TT.
With all due respect to Principal Blondell, if he regards the flag of his nation as a racist symbol, I recommend that he emigrate to a country more congenial to his views.
Tawdry Tory
The details of this carbon-offsetting scheme are disturbing. Cameron offsets his flights by donating to Climate Care. The latest wheeze of this carbon-offsetting company is to provide ‘treadle pumps’ to poor rural families in India so that they can get water on to their land without having to use polluting diesel power. Made from bamboo, plastic and steel, the treadle pumps work like ‘step machines in a gym’, according to some reports, where poor family members step on the pedals for hours in order to draw up groundwater which is used to irrigate farmland. These pumps were abolished in British prisons a century ago. It seems that what was considered an unacceptable form of punishment for British criminals in the past is looked upon as a positive eco-alternative to machinery for Indian peasants today.
What might once have been referred to as ‘back-breaking labour’ is now spun as ‘human energy’. According to Climate Care, the use of labour-intensive treadle pumps, rather than labour-saving diesel-powered pumps, saves 0.65 tonnes of carbon a year per farming family. And well-off Westerners - including Cameron, and Prince Charles, Land Rover and the Cooperative Bank, who are also clients of Climate Care - can purchase this saved carbon in order to continue living the high life without becoming consumed by eco-guilt. They effectively salve their moral consciences by paying poor people to live the harsh simple life on their behalf.
I never thought I'd see the day that the leader of the Conservative party would have any truck with this sort of ecotwaddle or make common cause with the New Aristocracy of the Left who want to do the same to the rest of us.
It's enough to make Lady Thatcher spin in her grave.
She's not dead.
Well, this will kill her.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Switching Off
Not surprisingly, Richard Black's report for the BBC on the decision starts off and continues for half the article with responses from environmentalists condemning the cancellation and when he finally does get to those who questioned the BBC's wisdom Mr. Black summarilly dismisses them as "right-wing" before rushing off to a BBC One spokesman backpedaling along the path of declaring that it was really about the BBC preferring to concentrate on documentaries.
In fact, if one looks closer, one can find the true nougat of truth in the Mars bar of controversy in this quote:
Celebrities such as Ricky Gervais were said to be interested in presenting the show, which would have involved viewers in a mass "switch-off" to save energy.Aside from the fact that flipping a light switch "saves energy" about as effectively as closing a window blind "saves sunlight", perhaps the reality behind the cancellation was that it dawned on the BBC that putting the idea of "switching off" in the heads of viewers was too close to reminding them of the practical alternative to watching this sort of drivel.
The Why of DNA
I had a comment from one of my regular visitors asking what I have against universal DNA sampling as opposed to restricting it to actual criminals. I toyed with a number of elegant and subtle arguments, but I believe that this sums it up best.
The Fairness of Tyranny
Ah, the logic of the tyrant is breathtaking. If it's unfair to stamp one man in the face with a jackboot, then it makes it fair if everyone is so stamped.
Green Logic
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Black Holes of the Internet
You'll notice that it's all Islamists and Communist remnants. Who would have guessed.
Cooling His Heels
Unfortunately, the ice cap has not only failed to vanish, but it's heavier than usual this year. So far, the only attention he's drawn has been from the Russians, whose nuclear-powered icebreakers he needs to ferry his boat through the impenetrable ice (if they can even manage it themselves!), and of the polar bears, who are a tad more numerous than he thought and regard his skylark as a crunchy treat with a chewy centre.
Moral: Never believe the hype; it makes for poor advance planning.
Monday, 3 September 2007
Premptive Tyranny
No direct evidence, a diagnosis by proxy, a Star Chamber, and a letter of denunciation submitted in a manner reminiscent of Venice's old Council of Ten. The shade of Joseph Stalin can only look on in admiration.
On the Expense Account
Alternatively, you can stick with me and for £50 we'll start with eggs, bacon, baked beans and chips for breakfast and end up with steak & kidney pudding with a bottle of cheap Chardy for supper by way of a slap-up ploughman's lunch with a few decent pints of Guinness to wash it down and a cream tea to round out the afternoon.
I'll even throw in a couple of pork pies & a Mars bar to tide over 'tween times.
Can't say fairer than that.
Nuclear Swings and Roundabouts
The bad news: The same load of IAEA dimwits who allowed Dear Leader to get his first batch of bombs is monitoring the deal.
Sleep tight, everyone.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Hard Choices Now or Impossible Choices Tomorrow
- The IAEA, the nuclear inspection agency with a learning curve as flat as Kansas, declared on Thursday that Iran is "cooperating" to "resolve outstanding issues."
- Today, Iran demonstrated that its idea of "cooperation" is to bring another 3000 centrifuges on line.
- Meanwhile, the Pentagon shows more realism and draws up plans for a three-day blitz that will take out Iran's entire military infrastructure in case the Mullah's get too close to lighting the blue touch-paper.