Thursday 13 May 2010

Jet bike II: Revenge of the Death Bike

It looks as if the Jetbike we talked about earlier isn't a one-off. Top speed: 70 MPH, though I suspect that the last second and a half of your journey would be with the bike crumpled against a tree some distance behind you.

Though I do agree with Clarkson that if you are going to have a bike, this is the one to get.


Chris Lopes said...

Hell, I'd buy it just for the sound!

Sergej said...


Wunderbear said...

Ahhhh yeah. That's the stuff.

I once had an idea for one of these. But I had recently read about that orbital vehicle that used a jet engine twinned with a helicopter prop (to spin the chamber & provide thrust).
My concept was to gear up the bicycle chains to the motor, pedalling to spin the chamber and increase the thrust.

I didn't think it would work. I only now realise why: unless there was a clutch or something, as the motor spun up the pedals would spin like a fan and eviscerate the rider's legs. Not perfect.

Wunderbear said...

This one.