Let that sink in for a moment like the tea I spilled in my lap. I can only assume this means the Nobel Committee will be giving Peace Prizes away in breakfast cereal packets next.
The astonishing thing is that not only has The One been given the prize despite the inconvenient fact that he's achieved absolutely nothing during his brief term in office, but that by gratuitously insulting and shafting America's allies, gutting Western defences, apologising for his country's existence, embracing dictators, literally bowing to tyrants, treating human rights as a "distraction", green lighting a Third World nuclear arms race, and dithering on the Afghanistan campaign while indulging in a Macarthuresque feud with his own hand-picked military commander, I can only assume that "Peace" is being used in the Orwellian sense.
Of course, I may be unfair in this view. After all, the nomination deadline for the prize was February first, which was a mere eleven days after Mr Obama took office. So maybe the new criteria for the prize is excellent penmanship while signing his W2 form.
Update: Quote of the day from Mataconis:
How can Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize on the same day that he’s becoming the first POTUS to bomb the Moon?Update: Biggest laugh line of the day:
Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama
All the things you listed are exactly the sort of things the rest of the world loves to hear about the US.
I figured this award for Mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-Barry would come around the time of the next Presidential election but maybe the committee figures there won't be a country over here to despise, ridicule, and assist into the grave anymore.
Another Barry; Goldwater, warned us at the Republican convention in 1980 that we had better do something to defeat Jimmy Carter and stop his Nobel-worthy "accomplishments" or that year we may well have been seeing the last convention and election in the United States.
We've managed to stay the execution for a little over 30 years, I hope we have the sense and fortitude to do it again.
Hey! What's to keep HIM from winning again next year, and the year beyond that? Even if there's a restriction I'm sure the committee could see their way around it! Just don't send Oprah to do the lobbying.
Although this is stupid, it isn't news: Henry Kissinger got one in 1973. Henry. Kissinger.
Also, if you watch Obama's speech about it, the impression you get is that he thinks it's stupid too. You can tell he's thinking 'The Republicans are going to rip the unprintable out of me for this'. Another resounding success for the Nobel committee. Oh well.
All this brief babbling about "Oh Obama got a Nobel, that is not fair".. Waaahhhh. You may as well be a 3 year old throwing a fit at the market. There are much heavier things taking place in the US, much more atrocities EVERYWHERE, and as soon as the rest of the world realizes that something big is happening in the collective consciousness of the American people, the sooner you can move onto your next playschool dilemmas. Its disdainful when the uneducated try to educate the fearful. Interesting isn't it?
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