Thursday 16 October 2008

And One O' Them 'As a Greet 'Airy Clawr!

Two "aggressive alien crustaceans" are about to meet in British waters.

We all know where this sort of thing leads to.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Godzilla blows up the UN, Rodan takes out the Kremlin, Mothra calls Pennsylvania racist, what's not to love about this movie?

Sergej said...

Mothra is pretty much the Aquaman of the Japanese-guy-in-a-rubber-suit world, so I guess this is as much as can be expected from him. They're all just a bunch of gun-clingers out there anyway, right?

Anonymous said...

You know, if "empty rubber suit" becomes a new political phrase we can trace the origin right back to this site!

Anonymous said...

I admire the kind of dedication it takes to endure through a full-length movie like this in Youtube format !