Thursday 28 February 2008


A lesson from Denmark: Wind power; good. Too much wind; not so good.


jayessell said...

Sheesh! It failed at maximum speed!

Good thing they had a camera on it.
The way it's supposed to work is when the wind speed exceeds the safe operating range the blades are feathered until the turbine stops.
It looks like a failure of the wind speed sensor or the blade pitch control mechanism.

jayessell said...

According to the YouTube posts, it was 'b'.

There was an electrical failure in the system and the pitch control motor(s) lost power.

Remember that Bugs Bunny cartoon in the out of control airplane?
The 'Robot Pilot' comes out of its cabinet, looks out the windscreen, looks at the instruments, takes the last parachute and bails out.

Same thing.

The technicians inside the turbine room (!) saw that there was nothing they could do and exited the structure as rapidly as possible.

There are about 700 comments there.