Monday 26 June 2006

Saddam Hussein Tries Corporal Klinger Defence

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is trying to avoid the gallows by convincing the court that he is barking mad. At least, that's the only conclusion that I can come to from this AP story where the runner up in the Pol Pot genocidal maniac awards claims that the United States will soon come crawling to him for help:

These puppets in the Iraqi government that the Americans brought to power are helpless. They can't protect themselves or the Iraqi people. The Americans will certainly come to me, to Saddam Hussein's legitimate leadership and to the Iraqi Baath Party, to rescue them from their huge quandary.

His lawyer goes in further by asserting that Saddam's trial is just a clever wooing ploy on the part of the Coalition.

The death penalty is political blackmail to pressure President Saddam to help the American forces out of their predicament in Iraq and to rescue it from the mess it created there.

I doubt if this will work, but as insanity pleas go, this sure beats sticking a bun on your head and claiming to be a cheeseburger.

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