Friday 23 June 2006

Coulter 1 Paxman 0

Now this is good television. Jeremy Paxman grills Ann Coulter and doesn't get quite the results he expected.

Coulter is about as controversial as they come and I find that even when I agree with her I often can't hold with her choice of words, but I don't care if it comes from the Right or the Left, I love it when a particularly pompous television interviewer is roundly flummoxed.

Think of it as uniting against the common enemy.


Anonymous said...

Ann is wonderful! How can you not love a beautiful woman who slaps the whining liberals in the face for being stupid whining liberals? The rest of us seem to have the problem of being too civilized and expecting that if we are mature and patient the liberals will some day grow up. Like most people who start martial arts training we can not get past our own reluctance to hit back like we really mean it. We try to understand, we try to hear what they have to say, and we seldom belittle their intelligence all the while the left screams and throws temper tantrums like a two year olds.
We need Ann because we are too polite, some conservatives shrink back from her not because any thing she says is wrong but because we are too timid to say it our selves. Timid dose not win wars not even cultural ones. If we are to prevent the left from outlawing our polite and calm rebuttal of there insanity we need social shock troupes like Ann and more of them.
Never forget that they do not want to hear what we have to say. They know deep down they are wrong, and just like any other person who is deluding them selves for selfish reasons they will go to any lengths to protect that self-delusion. In defense of there own delusion they not only cannot let any one say they disagree they cannot even tolerate any one thinking differently. Because their convenient lie allows then doing what they want rather than what they know they should and feel good about it they will literally kill to prevent anyone from pointing it out as a lie.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so the republicans have got themselves a nice young(er) blonde to put forward arguments that are in essence quite unutterably stupid. Guess she's making a whole pile of cash from supplying republican America with handy, ill-informed rants.