Friday 22 October 2010

Postmodern doll house

How to convince your daughter you've gone completely mad?  Buy her this Corbusierian nightmare of a doll house.  Yes, it's a doll house.

No, really.  Trust me.  It is.

It's also one with a message:  If we're going to bring forth the New Technocratic Millennium, then some childhoods must be relentlessly crushed.,


eon said...

It looks more like Corbu's idea of a bookcase. You know, the kind where absolutely nothing can be made to stand up straight no matter what you brace it up with.

Either that, or a hyper-expensive Hot Wheels(TM) track.



Tom said...

Hmmm, well you could put a gerbil in it and drive him crazy.

jayessell said...


(Photo useless without Barbie.)

Ironmistress said...

Oh, I thought it was a parking house for Matchbox toy cars and intended for boys.

Seriously, when houses are designed for machines of living, people are treated as machines of existence.

Le Corbusier must have had a worse than average case of Asperger's.