Wednesday 6 October 2010

Looking backwards

Once hailed by mainstream pundits as the new JFK, the new FDR, and even the new Lincoln, Mr Barack Hussein Obama proves once again that he is, in fact, the new Carter.


Sergej said...

I can just hear the Great Peanut saying, "These solar panels are great! Look how toasty warm they're making my hands feel! What do you mean that's not how they're supposed to work?"

Neil A Russell said...

Oh look; there's Jimmy making a photo op in about '79 or '80, and at the same time killing the nuclear power industry, prohibiting drilling for oil in the US while making us dependent on imports and making trillionaires out of terrorists.
I'm sure he doesn't feel a moments guilt for helping to fund those nice folks in the Middle East that visited their vengeance on us on 9/11.
It all added to his legacy of never having made a single correct decision in his entire political life.
But, we got Reagan out of the deal, so some silver lining.