Monday 11 January 2010

A pattern emerges

The Fort Hood shootings, the underpants bomber, a deadly shootout in Detroit, mass terrorist trials in the United States and abroad, former Guantanamo inmates showing up as Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen, CIA agents killed by a triple-cross suicide bomber, churches in Malaysia put to the torch, and defendants in a British court not only refusing to rise.

The amazing thing about all this resurgent Jihadist activity is that the last is the most ominous. Not their refusal to stand, but judge allowing them to get away with it. That is nothing less than abject surrender to the barbarians. In a more civilised age, such defiance would have been met with this simple paraphrasing of Sir Charles James Napier:
It is your custom not to show respect to an infidel court of law. Very well. It is our custom in England that when defendants fail to rise to find them in contempt of court and throw them in jail. You may follow your custom and we will follow ours.

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