Uranus and Neptune may have oceans of liquid diamond with diamond icebergs floating in them.
The commercial possibilities are staggering, but it will mean building the world's largest claw machine.
Neil Russell
I've always held this romantic idea that one day a little planetary probe would come back and some tech examining it would look at the glitter stuck to the landing legs and whisper; "gold".
Which of course would lead to people strapping rockets to pickup trucks and heading out into the wild blackness.
I've always held this romantic idea that one day a little planetary probe would come back and some tech examining it would look at the glitter stuck to the landing legs and whisper; "gold".
Which of course would lead to people strapping rockets to pickup trucks and heading out into the wild blackness.
Diamonds should do the same I suppose.
But to get to the diamonds, we will have to go through a tribe of noble, spiritual, blue-feathered penguin people living on those icebergs.
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