Friday, 10 October 2008

Attack of the Goonch

Giant mutant catfish develops taste for human flesh.

Or it might just be the crocodiles as usual.


Sergej said...

Dude! Throw in some B/W footage of a B-17 crashing in the jungle (with obligatory flight engineer with a broad Brooklyn accent for non-comic non-relief), and maybe a lost temple or two, and you've got yourself a movie!

Or add some cheesy CGI and a few third-string twenty-something actors and you've got the Science Fiction Channel's movie of the week. But them's the risks you gotta take.

Anonymous said...

sergej: I don't know what would be more horrific, a movie about the giant catfish, or the knowledge that there's such a thing as "The SciFi Original Presentation of KING CATFISH!"