Monday 1 January 2007

First Out of the Box

It's the first post of the year and the BBC has hit the ground running. In an article on the terrible fate suffered by Muslim's in racist, Islamophobic Britain, the Beeb manages to make the whole of the local Muslim population look like passive victims of wicked infidels whose warmongering in Iraq and questioning of the veil is forcing the poor Islamic dears into strapping on bomb belts and killing innocent men, women and children.

Not quite even that. The Beeb doesn't even mention suicide bombers, preferring to make it look as if those trains and that bus just sort of exploded on their own and last year's attempt to bring down ten airliners simultaneously wasn't even mentioned. True, the Danish Cartoon War was mentioned, but not British Muslims in the streets of London calling for beheading anyone who dares to insult Mohammad nor the cravenness of the British press in refusing to publish the cartoons in question.

I particularly like the use of the weseal phrase "real fears," as if the fears may be real, but the actual threat is a matter of perspective.

"War? What war?" looks to be the BBC motto for 2007.

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