Wednesday 8 September 2010

Delayed, but not denied

A few weeks ago, Manchester Police refused to give chase to a motorbike thief because said thief wasn't wearing a helmet and the precious snowflake might have been hurt. Now, in a perfect example of irony balancing the scales, the thief, while riding a stolen motorbike, dies after colliding with a van.

He wasn't wearing a helmet.


Anonymous said...

Natural Selection. Um well, actually probably reproduced already for the gov money.

Anonymous said...

Was it Heinlein who said "Stupidity is the only capital crime in the Universe. The sentence is Death, carried out with merciless efficiency."

Chris Lopes said...

A perfect storm of irony. The police don't want to endanger a thief, so they don't chase him. Thief encounters Darwinian selection with predictable results. Police pat themselves on the back for looking out for the thief's well being so well he died. It's like watching a real life version of Final Destination.

eon said...

Shared Darwin Award?

Or an honourable mention for the police?



Chris Lopes said...

The police in this instance don't really qualify. Sure, they were stupid enough. It's just that their stupidity got someone else killed, not them. They are free to pass on their brain dead genes to the next generation without interruption.