Monday 20 September 2010

In the service of anti-progress

The Electrolux competition: Looking forward to the day when we are all inmates in tiny, eco-friendly prison cells in order to offset Mr Al Gore's carbon footprint.

1 comment:

Sergej said...

Excellent idea. But not exactly original. My grandparents told me about life after the war (Great Patriotic) had kind of been fought on top of the country, and people returned from the front (men) and Central Asia (everyone else) to what was left. Back then it was called storing a sack of potatoes out on the balcony during the winter. Other green-saving, polar bear-powered technologies they enjoyed were a hand pump in the yard for water, and a hole in the ground, also in the yard, for... for a hole in the ground in the yard. Then the country rebuilt a little, and they got an apartment with a refrigerator and running water.