Thursday, 31 December 2009

CO2 dress

For God's sake, don't breathe on her or you'll be denounced as a climate criminal before you can say say "cap and trade".


Neil Russell said...

In the article it reads; "apart from the weekly recycling of trash and reusing of items like paper".
I'm sure this little number will be a big hit at the recycling center, it certainly looks like a garbage bag.

I'm really sick of the admonishing attitude in articles like this telling me that we "disregard" the environment, do these people not remember what it used to be like? Finding soot on the clothes on the laundry line and jokes about the East River catching fire and burning to the bottom?
Comparatively it's like doing business in the clean room at NASA and they still complain.

Sergej said...

Denmark again. Yesterday it was Hussein Husseinovich > Jesus, and today this thing. I blame it on a moldy batch of lutefisk. Seriously, those guys were much more fun when they were running around with giant axes or soliloquizing indecisively around Elsinore.

Neil Russell said...

I think the Danes are still trying to cover their embarrassment for releasing "Reptilicus".

David said...

One comment removed for language. try to keep it clean, guys.