Tuesday 29 April 2008

The Reverse Elmer Gantry

"I am shocked, shocked that the Reverend Wright is a paranoid racist."

There is something almost epic about Barack Obama's slide from Democrat Messiah to John F. Kennedy to Jimmy Carter to George McGovern to John Kerry to political hack. Granted, Senator Obama had painted himself into a corner and there was no other way out, but like his links to a self-confessed terrorist and a Chicago racketeer and his wife's unfortunate choices of words, this was something he should have been aware of when it was still a dot on the horizon.

Add five doors and a pair of knickers and you've got a French farce.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Huckabee and Romney got out of the race so there wouldn't be any focus on religion. Oh wait.
Obama's comments about Rev. Wright were remarkable, almost some sort of admission that he had been sleeping in the pew all these past 20 years.
It will be ineresting to see if there's an "Obama Easter" with him rising from the political dead in three days, which is about as long as the memory of most voters seems to be these days.